So easy a girl can do it!!

To my patrons and my friends,
This week I bring total fun and frivolity. As a creator, I try my damnedest to put out videos that are entertaining to watch sometimes informative and different from everything else ham radio related. This week I opted for pure entertainment. MFJ was kind enough to send me this cobweb antenna over the winter and I struggled to think of an interesting way to present it without doing the run of the mill unboxing video. So I'm thinking to myself how do I show an assembly video without boring my audience to tears in five minutes. BAM!! Have your kid build it and show that even an untrained princess mechanic can figure it out. So here it is, enjoy.

Now, about my 7500 subscriber give away. I've decided that one of my patrons should get something. So heres the deal. there's currently four of you helping out and I'm giving away an antenna and now an openspot. one of those is going to a patron and one to another subscriber. I'll let you guys pick by vote which one goes to a patron. I'm thinking about doing something to do with an on air contact but I haven't figured out exactly how its going to work. Guys, I can't thank you enough for supporting the channel. The fact that your willing to put up your hard earned money means a lot more than the money does.